The Recovery Place Helps Clients Use Social Media as a Relapse Prevention and Information Tool
The accessibility of the internet, and the anonymity that people can manage within its networks, has made surfing the web the most popular way to access information, talk about things more difficult to express in person, or seek help.
Social networks in particular have opened the doors to approaching more sensitive topics people generally don’t feel comfortable expressing in their ‘real’ lives. Sites like Facebook and YouTube are providing those individuals with the ability to open up within a community jam packed with information and support. This is something we at The Recovery Place have decided is a powerful way to help clients and families.
Facebook is the most powerful social network to date, and we have taken great strides in utilizing all of its benefits. This includes daily posts with valuable information like statistics, testimonials, or offerings for support.
Each post is geared towards education and inspiration to a life of successful recovery. Facebook also gives our ‘friends’ the ability to communicate with others that have endured many of the same sufferings, or are able and willing to support those seeking recovery.
Anyone can join our Facebook community by simply clicking on the following link to our page: The Recovery Place. You’ll instantly become connected with others in recovery, people with helpful insights to support the process of recovery, and tons of useful and meaningful information!
In our efforts to provide as much assistance as possible, we have also claimed a presence on the second largest search engine on the internet, YouTube.
The Recovery Place YouTube channel is jam packed with videos portraying real life stories of individuals who have struggled with addiction and are now successfully living in recovery.
Oftentimes people feel more apt to admit a problem or seek help when they don’t feel so alone. Each of our YouTube videos does exactly that—makes you feel less alone by actually seeing someone else tell their story, often a story you or a loved one can relate to.
You can subscribe to The Recovery Place YouTube channel to receive updates on when we post more videos, tell us what you think, or just learn more on how and where to seek help for drug and alcohol addiction.
At The Recovery Place we believe that education is a giant first step to recovery and want to extend our knowledge to those in need as easy as possible.
The best way to provide valuable information within social media is blogging.
Blogging gives us the ability to write about focused topics of interest, attach links to more helpful information, and gather feedback from you, the reader. We post blogs weekly and distribute them on many forums so you can read them at your convenience.
The most fascinating part of this spread of information is how easily accessible they are through RSS feeds. What’s an RSS feed, you ask? In layman’s terms, Really Simple Syndication is the opportunity to gather frequently updated works, like blogs, into one location, such as Outlook, Yahoo!, or Google.
By subscribing to an RSS feed you are automatically notified when the feed is updated, such as with a new blog post, and can read them directly from your email or subscribed location.
An RSS feed is like having an abundance of information all bound together in one location. How great is that? You can subscribe to our RSS feeds and begin the process to a life of successful recovery today!
The Recovery Place team is here to provide as much information and support through as many convenient and beneficial social media channels as possible.
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