The Recovery Place has updated its Social Media Network

The Recovery Place Drug Rehab and Alcohol Treatment Center has Updated its Social Media Network

The past few years are what could be coined the age of social media. Facebook has connected to nearly every site on the web, YouTube has become the second largest search engine, Google has continuously added social aspects to their many useful tools and Twitter has become a valuable source of real-time news. Needless to say, we have all heard of these powerful sites and The Recovery Place Drug Rehab and Alcohol Treatment Center looks to provide a user friendly, helpful and information filled presence in the social community.

Alcohol and drug addiction is a very sensitive subject. Those suffering of the disease often find themselves unable to open up about their addiction in face-to-face situations. For sensitive and personal topics, people often feel more comfortable seeking information from trusted sources, and who do we trust more than our friends. Social media has given people the opportunity to talk to others anytime and anywhere. It has opened up a myriad of information alleys and taken over older styles of communication and research.

The Recovery Place has noticed this trend and developed a strong presence on major social networks to provide as much helpful information as possible towards one common goal—help people reach a life of successful alcohol and drug addiction recovery.

Social media, much like alcohol and drug addiction and addiction treatment, is always changing, and to keep up with the advancements The Recovery Place has revamped its social network. Through a Facebook, Twitter and YouTube facelift, The Recovery Place is able to provide more effective and helpful information about alcohol and drug addiction treatment while providing more ways for those seeking help to learn about their addiction or contact The Recovery Place to answer questions or begin the journey to addiction recovery.

“Like” The Recovery Place on Facebook for a central hub to all the helpful and inspirational blogs and articles posted, subscribe to the YouTube channel to keep up with videos from experts in the field and follow on Twitter to join discussion about addiction education and lifelong recovery. The Recovery Place’s social network has been revamped with the look and feel of—a place to find the information and treatment necessary to rid your life of the devastating disease of alcohol and drug addiction. We invite you to share your thoughts on all of the available networks.

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