The first episode of NBC’s new show American Crime set in Stockton, California, is largely about a home invasion during which war veteran Matt Skokie is murdered and his wife Gwen is brutally attacked. While the first episode is mostly about the initial crime, the rest of the series focuses on the victims, the suspec
If you love an alcoholic or addict, you probably feel that his or her problem with addiction has had a profound impact on your life and maybe even seems to be ruining your life. You’re faced with difficult or impossible situations on an almost daily basis. People who have never been affected by someone else’s addic
Watching a loved one struggle with addiction can be extremely difficult, leaving you wanting to do everything in your power to help them. But some perceived helpful actions, such as enabling, end up doing more harm than good.
According to experts, enabling is commonly defined as removing the natural consequences to
Thanksgiving is fast approaching — a time when families and loved ones gather together to celebrate the holiday. But it can also be a stressful time for people with a loved one who’s battling substance abuse. (more…)
It's no secret that it’s extremely difficult watching a loved one battle addiction. It’s a vicious disease that latches on and disrupts the lives of those struggling with it as well as the people around them. It causes numerous negative and harmful consequences to all parties along the way, and those left in its wa
Running a family owned business takes a lot of hard work. In fact, most family businesses are not able to keep their doors open longer than five years and only 33 percent of those companies survive long enough to be passed down to the next generation. There are many factors that decrease the chances of a successful fam
It hurts so bad to think I cannot save him, protect him, keep him out of harm’s way, shield him from pain. What good are fathers if not for these things?”
-Thomas Lynch regarding his son’s drug addiction
Addiction is a multifaceted disease, effecting each person it comes across uniquely. However, one aspect
After falling victim to heroin addiction, Beverly’s 23-year-old daughter and her boyfriend, who was also struggling with addiction, were evicted from their apartment from failing to pay their rent. As a result, the couple now found themselves living out of their car with only some bedding and a few items of clothing.
My baby grew up to be an addict. There was a time when I believed a mother’s love could fix anything, but it can’t fix this."
– Anita
At first Anita Devlin had no idea her son Mike was spiraling out of control and heavily abusing prescription pain relievers, cocaine, heroin, and alcohol. Whenever he needed ex
After he died I was expected to support my parents, which I tried to do. But there was no support for siblings. I tried to go to a support group for siblings but I remember feeling like I was the only sibling there."
- Chelsea Laliberte
Chelsea Laliberte yelled, “I told you so!” when her parents broke the news